
Hans-Jürgen Döpp/In praise of the backside

Our displaced desires point not to desire in general, but specifically to the desire for the satisfaction of life in our own body. Norman O. Brown, The resurrection of the body.

Sexuality is, at least, in its modern reduction to 'sex', a term too narrow to correctly describe the fullness and versatility of emotion, energies, and conections. Rudolf zur  Lippe.

The power of humans over nature simultanrously influenced the power over human nature. The "love-hate relationship with the body" is the basis of what we call "culture": Only culture views the body as a thing that one can possess, only in the context of culture did the body first diferentiate itself from the spirit -the epitome of power and authority- as an object, a dead thing, a 'corpus'. In man's devaluation of his own body, nature takes vengeance on man for reducing it to the level of an object of mastery, of raw material. Max Horkheimer/Th. W.Adorno, Dialektik der Aufklärung.

Our arses should be signs of peace. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Parkstone international, India: 2010