
7 deep truths/Zack Covell

Reality Check No.1 ~ We ARE powerful creators. We do not however have ‘unlimited’ potential to create. At this present moment we are human, not Gods. You will not always get what you want no matter how you control your thoughts. These are beautiful sentiments to cling too in times of need and much pushed out now by the media and publishers
~They are however, false and blind belief in them will ultimately keep you stuck.
Reality Check No.2 ~ There is NO POINT in arguing about politics. It makes little difference who is ‘in power’ ~ they are not the ones controling things anyway. You are arguing over a puppet show. Leave that to the kids. A suggestion would be to take your frustration out on the global bankers or … who contols them …or who controls them. Do RESEARCH. Get educated. Or you’re just spouting blind and pointless opinions.
Reality check No 3 ~ ‘Swearing’ is bad? Swearing is not bad, nor does it make us less spiritual or lesser humans for doing that. If anything swearing is great ! It is a form of self expression. There is no such thing as a dirty word. Words are not dirty. We should all be encouraging our friends and family to express themselves fully ALL the time and if there is a word you don’t like to hear you should be looking at YOUR issues with it. The issue is YOU ,not the word and nor is it with the person using that word. Truth ~ like or not and if you don’t like it ~ you can fuck off! I’ll still love you!
Reality check No. 4 ~ Meditation will not save the world. It will not solve all your problems and it will not turn you into a Zen monk who has a clever answer for everything and knows the right thing to all the time. It will however, make you healthier (fact) make you more focused (fact) bring more peace of mind into your life (fact) With all of those great benefits, why are you looking outside for answers?
Reality check No. 5 ~ All of your past ‘failed’ relationships ARE past but they did not fail. It may seem a little unsavoury now or it may be something you are longing for again but they did NOT fail. It was what you needed at the time for your own growth and what you chose for yourself. Now you have what you need now .. You have never failed in your interaction with another person. Remember the good times …
Reality check No. 6 ~ All is well. All is Love and Light. Ermmm … No it’s not. YOU are though and that is the only thing that you are responsible for (with the exception of a child maybe?) YOU are perfect. No matter what you think about yourself. Try thinking about that just for a second. How does it feel to accept yourself with all of your ‘faults’ fully? When you get that …. Hold onto it.
Reality check No.7 ~ The shifts are real.It’s happening right now.It is not the end of the world although there will be many natural ‘disasters’ in the coming months.It is not a myth.It is not just prophecy anymore it is real.The next 18 months WILL be difficult for many and thinking this fairyland philosophy that all will be well if we just concentrate on love will NOT happen.Love is the answer but its not a solution.
“Thoughts Held in Mind Create Their Own Kind!”
with Love,
:-) Zack